Pool maintenance Mallorca, Piscinas Sóller

More than 20 years of experience in pool maintenance, Piscinas Sóller

Maintenance of both private and communal swimming pools. Piscinas Sóller, when your health and well-being come first.

We put at your disposal our extensive experience in the care of swimming pools so that you forget about the worries and enjoy the security that our professionals keep your facilities in an optimal state , taking extreme care for their correct operation and water treatment.

Our customers choose us for price and professionalism.

The periodicity of maintenance varies depending on the time of year and the use made of the pool, intensifying in the hottest times due to the proliferation of algae and microorganisms or when more use is given.

Whether the water treatment is done by chlorine, or if you use saline electrolysis or neolysis, a good maintenance plan is of vital importance.

Why is our pool maintenance plan necessary?

For Formation:

Our staff has the permits issued by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs in relation to the maintenance of swimming pools as well as extensive experience.

For health:

A constant verification to keep the facilities in correct condition of use, clean and clear water free of bacteria and fungi.

Apparent motifs that are more than aesthetic.

The proliferation of fungi and algae, cloudy water as well as stains on the coatings or substances and floating debris are indicative of a bad maintenance plan and can result in different types of skin infections.

For Efectiveness:

We give a quick response.

The extensive experience of our professionals qualifies them to solve any setback in relation to the maintenance of the pool and that both the installation and the water are in the best conditions.

For practicality:

Being designers and builders of swimming pools withmore than 20 years of experience we are able to solve any incident.

We cover your needs from the installation of an automatic chlorination system to the detection and repair of leaks and water leaks through waterproofing of swimming pools, underwater repairs (without the need to empty the pool) and modernization of swimming pools, replacement of tile, coating or any accessory.

For economy:

Another invisible reason is the lengthening of the useful life of its installation, a correct use of both the dosing devices and injectors and filters will avoid calcifications, stuck filters, oxides etc ... and with this we will achieve a longer useful life.

Aspects to take into account in a good pool maintenance plan:

Timing and uses:

As we have already explained, we adapt to the circumstances of each pool and the owner adapting the interventions based on the time of year and the uses that are made of the pool.

Pool beach and accessories:

We give special attention to the pool beach, a clean beach will help keep the water in perfect condition regardless of the dives that are made in addition to avoiding skin infections.

Water filtration:

The level of combined chlorine in the water of the pools is controlled with the filtering of the water periodically, being the combined an indicator of the quality of the water.

Irritations and bad odors:

It can be the result of poor maintenance and is usually due to a bad maintenance program in which the filtering is deficient causing a high level of residual combined due to its low disinfectant power.

Plan de mantenimiento para piscinas comunitarias:

De Acuerdo con el Real Decreto 742/2013 por el que se establecen los criterios técnico-sanitarios de las piscinas de uso colectivo en España, todos los titulares deberán contar con un detallado plan de mantenimiento.

El protocolo de autocontrol de piscinas que exige el Real Decreto 742/2013 deberá contemplar:

  • Tratamiento del agua de cada vaso.
  • Control del agua.
  • Mantenimiento de la piscina.
  • Limpieza y desinfección.
Marco legislativo

El protocolo de autocontrol de piscinas que exige el Real Decreto 742/2013 deberá contemplar:

  • Real decreto 742/2013, sobre los criterios técnico sanitarios de las piscinas.
  • Decreto 53/1995, sobre las condiciones higiénico sanitarias de las piscinas y establecimientos turísticos y de uso colectivo.
  • Real decreto 865/2003, de 4 de julio (En el caso de vasos de hidromasaje no climatizados) Criterios higiénicos y sanitarios par ala prevención de la legionelosis.

Piscinas Sóller realiza el mantenimiento
de piscinas particulares y comunidades.